5月12日 |
全天报到(陇南成县蓝天大酒店一楼大厅) |
5月12日 |
20:00-20:40 |
预备会议(学术委员会、组织委员会、会务组成员) |
主持人:李万同 |
5月 13日 上午 |
地点:陇南师专南校区餐饮综合楼5楼(学生活动中心)多功能报告厅 |
08:00-08:30 |
开幕式 |
主持人:罗彦锋 |
08:30-09:00 |
照相 地点:南校区体育馆前 |
09:00-09:40 |
第十一届理事会第三次会议(全体理事,其余人员列席) |
主持人:刘仲奎 |
大会报告 |
地点:陇南师专南校区餐饮综合楼5楼(学生活动中心)多功能报告厅 |
时间 |
报告题目 |
报告人及单位 |
主持人 |
10:00-10:40 |
Periodic Homogenization of Parabolic Problems |
耿 俊兰州大学 |
李万同 |
10:40-11:20 |
Bernoulli空间上的场算子在数学物理中的若干应用 |
王才士西北师大 |
马如云 |
11:20-12:00 |
Optimal control for age-dependentpopulation hybrid systemin a polluted environment. |
雒志学兰州交大 |
褚衍东 |
5月13日下午 |
分组报告 14:10-18:10 |
学术一组第一阶段 14:10-16:10 地点:餐饮综合楼5楼多功能报告厅 |
主持人:赵有益 王三福 |
时间 |
报告题目 |
报告人及单位 |
14:10-14:50 |
Least Area Surfaces in 3-manifolds. |
陈立志兰州大学 |
14:30-14:50 |
给定平均曲率问题正解的全局结构 |
高红亮兰州交大 |
14:50-15:10 |
Cartan-Eilenberg FP-injective complexes |
卢 博西北民大 |
15:10-15:30 |
Optimal bilinear control of Gross-Pitaevskii equations with Coulombian potentials |
冯斌华西北师大 |
15:30-15:50 |
鞍点问题的局部循环剩余分裂迭代法 |
朱睦正河西学院 |
15:50-16:10 |
旋转对称空间中的平均曲率型流 |
郭芳承陇东学院 |
学术一组第二阶段 16:30-18:10 地点:餐饮综合楼5楼多功能报告厅 |
主持人:韩金仓 马统一 |
时间 |
报告题目 |
报告人及单位 |
16:30-16:50 |
On fractional non-autonomous evolution equation of mixed type with nonlocal initial conditions |
陈鹏玉西北师大 |
16:50-17:10 |
Dynamics of reaction-diffusion epidemic models with nonlocal effect |
张 亮兰州大学 |
17:10-17:30 |
适应性动力系统与进化分支 |
张 锋 甘肃农大 |
17:30-17:50 |
半线性分数阶脉冲积分-微分方程解的一些新的存在性和唯一性结果 |
周文学兰州交大 |
17:50-18:10 |
图的电阻距离和基尔霍夫指标 |
刘 群 河西学院 |
学术二组第一阶段 14:10-16:10 地点:餐饮综合楼5楼 505教室 |
主持人:欧志英 许万银 |
时间 |
报告题目 |
报告人及单位 |
14:10-14:30 |
Tilting subcategories with respect to cotorsion triples in abelian categories |
狄振兴西北师大 |
14:30-14:50 |
Threshold changeable secret sharing scheme based on Chinese Remainder Theorem |
贾星星兰州大学 |
14:50-15:10 |
On the degree sequence determined by the Laplacian spectrumof the corresponding graph |
文 飞 兰州交大 |
15:10-15:30 |
Equitable vertex arboricity of graphs |
高毓平 兰州大学 |
15:30-15:50 |
Two knight Pascal's triangles |
冯积社 陇东学院 |
15:50-16:10 |
关于Lebesgue-Nagell方程整数解的讨论 |
冉银霞 陇南师专 |
学术二组第二阶段 16:30-18:10 地点:餐饮综合楼5楼 505教室 |
主持人:王素云 何万生 |
时间 |
报告题目 |
报告人及单位 |
16:30-16:50 |
Multiplicative noise and blur removal used some convex optimaization model |
汪 帆兰州大学 |
16:50-17:10 |
数学在碳管理和气候变化中的应用 |
张美玲甘肃农大 |
17:10-17:30 |
Eigenvalues of Discrete Sturm-Liouville Problems with Eigenparameter Dependent Boundary Conditions |
高承华西北师大 |
17:30-17:50 |
Analysis of a Special Predator-Prey Model with Two Delays, Herd Behavior and Prey Harvesting |
孟新友兰州理工大 |
17:50-18:10 |
Robust portfolio choice for a DC pension plan with stochastic income and interest rate |
孙景云兰州城市学院 |
学术三组 14:10-16:10 地点:校本部1号教学楼111教室 |
主持人:陈京荣 彭康靑 |
14:10-14:30 |
Global Well-posedness for the GNSC equations with highly oscillating initial data |
孙小春 西北师大 |
14:30-14:50 |
分数阶时滞和T-S模糊复杂网络的同步 |
马维元 西北民大 |
14:50-15:10 |
复模糊线性系统 |
郭晓斌西北师大 |
15:10-15:30 |
Choquet模糊积分分类器中模糊测度的学习 |
陈 莉 兰州城市学院 |
15:30-15:50 |
完全模糊线性系统解的扰动分析 |
刘 坤 陇东学院 |
15:50-16:10 |
实数序列的通项公式是初等函数 |
东洪平 陇南师专 |
数学建模竞赛和数学竞赛组 16:30-18:10 地点:校本部1号教学楼111教室 |
主持人:王海明 颜荣芳 |
中学数学教育组第一阶段 14:30-16:10 地点:校本部1号教学楼107教室 |
主持人:缑小锋 傅龙骧 |
中学组第二阶段 16:30-18:10 地点:校本部1号教学楼107教室 |
主持人:郑新英 董小平 |
5月 14日 上午
大会报告 第一阶段 8:00-10:00 地点:餐饮综合楼5楼多功能报告厅 |
时间 |
报告题目 |
报告人及单位 |
主持人 |
8:00-8:40 |
Klein-Gordon-Schrodinger型系统在能量空间的适定性 |
石启宏兰州理工大 |
霍海峰 |
8.40-9.20 |
Statistical Inference Based on Jackknife Empirical Likelihood |
李周平兰州大学 |
张国凤 |
9:20-10:00 |
梯度流方法在反问题中的若干应用 |
熊向团西北师大 |
李永祥 |
10:00-10:20 |
休 息 |
大会报告 第二阶段 10:20-12:00 地点:餐饮综合楼5楼多功能报告厅 |
时间 |
报告题目 |
报告人及单位 |
主持人 |
10:20-11:00 |
Monotonicity of solutions to degenerate elliptic problems in half-spaces |
黄水波西北民大 |
马少仙 |
11:00-11:40 |
Periodic Principal Eigenvalues and Applications |
孙建文兰州大学 |
赵 敦 |
11:40-12:00 闭幕式 主持人:马如云 地点:餐饮综合楼5楼多功能报告厅 |
5月 14日 下午 |
14:30-17:40 自由交流 |
Optimal control for age-dependent population hybrid system in a polluted environment
Luo Zhixue (Lanzhou Jiaotong University)
Abstract: In this talk, we study an optimal control problem for an age-dependent population hybrid system in a polluted environment. Namely, we establish a new toxicant-population model with age-dependence in a small content of the environment.
Statistical Inference Based on Jackknife Empirical Likelihood
LI Zhouping(Lanzhou University)
Abstract:Empirical likelihood (EL) has been found very useful in many various fields. However, when dealing with nonlinear statistical functionals/constraints, there have been serious computational difficulties. The jackknife empirical likelihood (JEL) introduced by Jing, Yuan and Zhou (2009) with focus on U-statistics, isa quite simple and promising method, and can largely release the heavy computational burden of ordinary EL method for nonlinear constraints.In this talk, we will discuss the recent advances in JEL methodology, and introduce some of our recent works in this direction.
Monotonicity of solutions to degenerate elliptic problems in half-spaces
Shuibo Huang
School ofMathematics and Computer,Northwest Minzu University,
In this paper, we consider the monotonicity properties of positive weak solutions to quasilinear elliptic problems with first-order term
-\text{div}\mathcal {A}(x,u,\nabla u)+b(x,u)|\nabla u|^q=f(x,u), &x\in \mathbb{R}^N_+,\\
u(x',y)>0, &x\in \mathbb{R}^N_+,\\
u(x',0)=0, &x\in \partial\mathbb{R}^N_+,
where $N\geq2$, $1<p <2$ and $1<q\leq p$ and the
function $\mathcal {A}(x,s,\xi)$ defines a generalized Leray–Lions operator. The main novelty of the present paper is that the function $\mathcal {A}(x,s,\xi)$, depending also on $\xi$, is local Lipschitz continuous with respect to $s$ and the underlying domain $\mathbb{R}^N_+$ is unbounded. The results of this paper extends earlier results of A. Farina et.al.(2015)\cite{FMRS2015} for $\text{div}\mathcal {A}(x,u,\nabla u)=\Delta_p u$.
高红亮 兰州交通大学数理学院
Cartan-Eilenberg FP-injective complexes
Lu Bo
College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Northwest University for Nationalities
Abstract In this article, we extend the notion of FP-injective modules to that of Cartan-Eilenberg complexes. We show that a complexCis Cartan-Eilenberg FP-injective if and only ifCand Z(C) are complexes consisting of FP-injective modules over right coherent rings. As an application, coherent rings are char-acterized in various ways, using Cartan-Eilenberg FP-injective and Cartan-
Eilenberg at complexes.
Optimal bilinear control of Gross-Pitaevskii equations with Coulombian potentials
摘要:In this paper, we consider an optimal bilinear control problem for the Gross–Pitaevskii equations with Coulombian potentials. We show the well-posedness of the problem and the existence of an optimal control. In addition, the first order optimality system is rigorously derived. In particular, we prove the Fréchet-differentiability of the unconstrained functional. We extend the study of Hintermüller et al. (SIAM J. Control Optim. 51: 2509-2543, 2013) to more general power nonlinearities and unbounded potentials.
陇东学院 郭芳承
Guan Pengfei和Li Junfang于2015年对空间形式中的星形闭曲面定义了一种新的平均曲率型流,报告将介绍该流的几何性质,并将该流与其它类型的平均曲率型流做简单比较。其次将详细介绍我们针对该流所做的一个进一步的结果,即旋转对称空间中星形闭曲面的平均曲率型流理论。
On fractional non-autonomous evolution equation of mixed type with nonlocal initial conditions
摘要:In this talk, we deals with the following nonlinear time fractional non- autonomous integro-differential evolution equation of mixed type with nonlocal initial conditions and measure of noncompactness
in infinite-dimensional Banach space, whereis the standard Caputo's fractional time derivative of order,is a family of closed linear operators defined on a dense domainin Banach spaceintosuch thatis independent of, is a constant,is a Caratheodory type function, is a nonlocal function to be specified later,andare Volterra and Fredholm integral operators, respectively. Combining the theory of fractional calculus and evolution families, the fixed point theorem with respect to convex-power
condensing operator and a new estimation technique of the measure of noncompact ness, we obtained the existence of mild solutions under the situation that the nonlinear term and nonlocal function satisfy some appropriate local growth conditions and a noncompactness measure condition. Our results generalize and improve some previous results on this topic, since the condition of uniformly continuity of the nonlinearity is not required, and also the strong restriction on the constants in the condition of noncompactness measure is completely deleted. As samples of applications, we consider a time fractional non-autonomous partial differential equation with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition and nonlocal initial condition.
Some new existence and uniqueness results of solutions to semilinear impulsive fractional integro-differential equations
Abstract:We consider the existence and uniqueness of solutions for the boundary value problem of semilinear impulsive integro-differential equations of fractional order q∈(1, 2]. Our results are based on the Altman fixed point theorem and a standard fixed point theorem. Two examples are presented to illustrate the main results.
Tilting subcategories with respect to cotorsion triples in abelian categories
摘要:Given a non-negative integernand a complete hereditary cotorsion triple (X,Z,Y), the notion ofn-X-tilting subcategories in an abelian categoryAis introduced. It is proved that a virtually Gorenstein ringRisn-Gorenstein if and only if the subcategoryGIof Gorenstein injectiveR-modules isn-GP-tilting with respect to the cotorsion triple (GP,GP⊥=⊥GI,GI), whereGPstands for the subcategory of Gorenstein projectives. In case a subcategoryMofAis closed under direct summands such that each object inM⊥admits a rightM-approximation, a Bazzoni's characterization is given forMto ben-X-tilting. Finally, an Auslander-Reiten correspondence is established between the class ofn-X-tilting subcategories and that of certain subcategories ofA, which areX-coresolving covariantly finite and closed under direct summands. This talk is based on a joint work with Jiaqun Wei, Xiaoxiang Zhang and Jianlong Chen.
Equitable vertex arboricity of graphs
Yuping Gao
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Lanzhou University
AbstractWu, Zhang and Li [Discrete Math, 313(2013): 2696-2701] conjectured that the vertex set of any simple graphGcan be equitably partitioned intomsubsets so that each subset induces a forest, whereΔ(G)is the maximum degree ofGandmis an integer withm>=⌈(Δ(G)+1)/2⌉. In this talk, we will list some results related to this conjecture.
On the degree sequence determined by the Laplacian spectrumof the corresponding graph
School ofMathematics and Physics, Lanzhou Jiaotong University
Abstract.LetG(ΔxΔ, . . . ,2x2 ,1x1 ) be the set of connected graph with degree sequence
(ΔxΔ, . . . ,2x2 ,1x1 ). In this talk,we show that the degree sequences ofG(3n3 ,2n2 ,1n1 ) andG(4n4 ,2n2 ,1n1 ) are determined by Laplacian spectrum with some restrictions. By those results we obtain thatsun graph,Cn◦2K1 andG(41,2n−3,12) are determined by their Laplacian spectra. Furthermore, we prove that any graphG∈G(Δ1,2n2 ,1n1 ) (Δ≥3), whose degree sequence is determined by Laplacian spectrum except thatGis a bicyclic graph withΔ=4. Moreover, ifGis a bicyclic graph withΔ=4, thenGmay beL-cospectral to a graph with degree sequence (33,2n2−3,1n1+1). Applying this result we conclude that some graphs such asstarlike trees,unicyclic
graph Un,p,friendship graphandbutterfly graphet al. are determined by their Laplacian spectra. Moreover, we first give a Laplacian spectral characterization of the degree sequence ofp-rose graph which supports Liu’s conjecture.
Two knight Pascal's triangles
摘要:In the combinatorics, the problem of the enumeration lattice paths is a hot research topic. We give two kinds of Pascal integer triangular, which is the number of knight walk paths, and give the explicit formulas to evaluate it.
冉银霞 太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐
Analysis of a Special Predator-Prey Model with Two Delays, Herd Behavior and Prey Harvesting
摘要:In this paper, we propose a predator-prey system with square root functional response, two delays and prey harvesting, in which an equation is given to investigate the economic interest of the yield of the harvest effort. The local stability of the positive equilibrium and the existence of Hopf bifurcation are obtained by analyzing the distribution of roots of the corresponding characteristic equation and taking two delays as bifurcation parameters. Further, some explicit formulas determining the properties of Hopf bifurcation are gained by applying the normal form method and center manifold theory. Finally, simulations are given to check the theoretical results.
Multiplicative noise and blur removal used some convex optimaization model
Robust portfolio choice for a DC pension plan with stochastic income and interest rate
Abstract:This paper considers a robust portfolio choice problem for a defined contribution (DC) pension plan with stochastic income and stochastic interest rate. The investment objective of the pension plan is to maximize the expected utility of the wealth at the retirement time. We assume that the financial market consists of a stock, a zero-coupon bond and a risk-free asset. And the member of DC pension plan is ambiguity-averse, which means that the member is uncertain about the expected return rate of the bond and stock. Meanwhile, the member’s ambiguity-aversion level toward these two financial assets is quite different. The closed-form expressions of the robust optimal investment strategy and the corresponding value function are derived by adopting the stochastic dynamic programming approach. Furthermore, the sensitive analysis of model parameters on the optimal investment strategy are presented. We find that the member’s aversion on model ambiguity increases her hedging demand and has remarkable impact on the optimal investment strategy. Moreover, we demonstrate that ignoring model uncertainty will lead to significant utility loss for the ambiguity-averse member (AAM), and the model uncertainty about the stock dynamics implies greater effect on the outcome of the investment than the bond.
Eigenvalues of Discrete Sturm-Liouville Problems with Eigenparameter Dependent
Boundary Conditions
摘要:We Consider the discrete right definite Sturm-Liouville problems
where for, for i=1,2. We obtain the existence of the eigenvalues, the sign-changing times of the eigenfunctions and the interlacing results of the eigenvalues of the above problem, the Dirichlet problem and the Neumann problem.
Global Well-posedness for the GNSC equations with highly oscillating initial data
摘要:We prove the global well-posedness for the generalized Navier-Stokes-Coriolis equations with small data in critical hybrid-Besov spaces. This result also holds for a class of highly oscillating initial data. This is a joint work with prof. Y. Ding.
摘要:主要针对分数阶时滞复杂网络和分数阶T-S模糊复杂网络的同步问题进行了研究。首先考虑了带有时滞、非线性耦合、外部扰动分数阶复杂动力网络的外部牵制同步.建立了一般的分数阶时滞系统的渐近稳定性定理,提出了一组新的控制器,结合分数阶导数理论和矩阵不等式,实现了分数阶复杂网络所有节点的完全同步.在上述的框架下,耦合配置矩阵和内部耦合矩阵可以是对称的或非对称的,网络可以是时滞的或非时滞的,节点内部耦合可以是线性的或非线性的.数值仿真结果证实了该控制方法的有效性.其次,围绕着分数阶T-S模糊复杂网络的脉冲同步.建立了分数阶脉冲系统比较原理,可用于一般的分数阶脉冲问题解的大小比较.采用分数阶T-S模糊系统作为复杂网络动力系统,具有局部线性等优点. 基于比较原理和分数阶Gronwall-Bellman 不等式,得到了在脉冲控制作用下分数阶T-S 模糊复杂网络的同步标准. 最后,通过相应的数值例子来验证所提出标准的准确性和有效性.
东洪平 太阳成集团tyc234cc古天乐